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Wednesday, September 07, 2005


There are a lot of people in the world who want to tell you how important you are.  Improving your self-image is a multi-billion dollar industry.  Improving your look (through diets, fitness fads, etc) dwarfs that.  When you boil it all down, it is the search for significance.  The world screams out: “I want to feel important!  Where do I fit in?”

What if I told you that you’re insignificant and you should be thankful for it?  What does it mean to be significant?  It means to be responsible – ultimately to be Atlas with the world bearing down on your shoulders.  It means that you cannot afford to fall asleep in the garden because you’re the reason the other eleven men are there.  It means you have to give up your home, your profession, your comfort and become a persecuted itinerant preacher.

I am kinda thankful that I am insignificant.  The weight of the world rests on much more capable shoulders and I am relieved.  I have let someone else carry the weight, and He takes care of it without my interference. [Psalm 55:22]  

Contentment is way more important than self-image. [1 Timothy 6:6-7]  Fitness is not a bad thing, but if it is all we live for, our lives are empty. [1 Timothy 4:8]  My self-image is that I am an insignificant, worthless sinner who has been redeemed by the only Savior of the world.  By myself, I am nothing; but with him, I am everything I am supposed to be.  


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