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Wednesday, February 01, 2006


I just finished reading a book, Blue Like Jazz. It was an interesting read. The author, Don Miller, had a life that pretty much shadowed mine. He experimented with a lot more and acted on some impulses I suppressed, but I could identify with him. For a time, he turned on Christianity even though he kept going to church and kept up appearances. He was even speaking in churches and working in Christian camps – all the while really just seeking after God.

He’s not my type of Christian – a little too earthy-crunchy for me. He likes Democrats, radical feminists and Green Peace. I have no problem with him having his own beliefs though. He’s free to believe as he believes and as long as he doesn’t tell me what to believe, that’s cool with me.

He did teach me something though – something radically, spiritually sideways. I was surprised to find that I thoroughly believe God really likes him. God likes me too, and that was a realization I had to remake while reading the book. While Don might enjoy living in Portland, Oregon (a sure sign of insanity), and going to protest rallies, he is not the enemy. He was; but then he came to Christ and found forgiveness and acceptance in Him. Now, I cannot judge Don’s differences of opinion or appearance from me. And if I could, I would question my own sincerity.

We have got to learn to accept that Christians can vary politically, philosophically and in appearance. God doesn’t do cloning. If he wanted clones, he would have given the apostles the technology to just clone themselves rather than reaching individuals with the Good News.


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